Saturday, October 30, 2004

Democracy 101

Today my elder son and I went to visit Democracy Plaza, an outdoor exhibit created at Rockefeller Center. The exhibit included one of only 15 remaining original printed copies of the Declaration of Independence, a cardboardy replica of the Clinton-era Oval Office, a sawn-off section of Nixon's Airforce One, and analysis of several pivotal points in America's history in its long march towards democracy. Perhaps the best exhibit was an outdoor screen with politicians and celebrities reading the Declaration of Independence line by line and interpreting it.

The tenor of the whole exhibit was uplifting, and an infomercial for democracy -an invaluable refresher course in what the political system should be about, before the inevitable Banana-Republic-style blizzard of dirty electoral tricks and disenfranchisements on Tuesday.

Click on the title to go the the NBC Democracy Plaza website.

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